Social Entreprise

The organizations setup with a view to make use of commercial tactics for bringing advancements in the social, communal or environmental well being. It simple means that these are firms trading for welfare purposes.

At the foundation, this is a business venture. but looking at the priority index, the targeted social agenda leads the board. Maximizing profits comes secondary. On the contrary, the earnings are utilized for fulfilling their social goals. Since it is for a cause, the plan one creates is a social enterprise business plan

On the surface level, not all will be able to differentiate between a traditional business and a Social Enterprise. But getting deeper into the subject, one will be able to clearly characterize the social enterprise by its intention at the center.

The ideology of a social enterprise, is making world a cordial place. The concept is getting legitimate. And so many have bloomed, in this sector while some are trying to fit in.

That said,
it is time more and more of the crowd should wake up and give it a call. Carefully take each step and steadily walk the road of morality.

  • Know the areas in the society where you can or you desire to create a difference.
  • Be truthful to yourself and see where you stand, what are your abilities and how can you bring up a business that the social agenda you want to fulfill.
  • Now raise funds. Without that only a millionaire parent will be an aid to the business. That is true. You can say, A business without good funds is like paddling the boat with your hands. So, don’t moan about lack of cash reserve. Act.
  • Once you give a start to your venture, measure the impact of your social activities. Is your motive getting the justice that it must? Is the community benefiting?
  • Collaborate! connect with more and more people. Get feedback and Learn.
  • Spread the word. That is how you can stand tall. Communication is one such basis of branding your enterprise. Our Club is one such place to give it a go.

Categories (Sectors of SE)


Agriculture Providing facilities to farmers, connecting them with the buyer’s market, subsidizing expensive farming equipments.
Food and Dairy Keep up with health supplements for the poor.
Healthcare Providing different health care services to people with low income or at places where the services are otherwise not available, fund health related education, 
Water and Sanitation Assess factors affecting the current water and sanitation problems and take actions accordingly
Education and Skill Development Help students with curriculum and building their talents
Tech and Development Providing technical assistance to various organisations.
Handicrafts Employ the rural, Publicize the hand made artifacts and circulate to the mainstream market.
Micro-finance / Financial Inclusion Aid in providing financial support to those who are lacking
Human Rights