Social Entrepreneurship

Though not a recent concept, the term Social Entrepreneurship has started gaining much attention these days. Those already into this sector are quite well acquainted of its influence. Here, influence stands for the impact on the deprived. Here influence stands for the effect on the community in general.

But for those not much aware about what it is, let me tell you this!
What in reality is Social Entrepreneurship?
In simple words, it means, something about working for a social cause. In detail, it is something like creating a significance on the society by means of some innovative entrepreneurship skills in disguise. Yes, it incorporates the use of diverse trading tactics, but exclusively with a mind-set of fulfilling a social mission. What matters at the end is the creative work for the welfare of the society! What matters at the core is the notion of goodness!
May it be product selling or heading movements, providing services or offering support, crowdfunding or merely volunteering – all serve as a base to fulfill this purpose of social upbringing. Choose a medium, create a platform, join the struggle or simply indulge into societal activities, and this will lead a path to what we call – Social Entrepreneurship.

It is nothing new nowadays that people are sincerely working towards the wellbeing of the needy, the underprivileged. With a motive to raising employment, feeding the hungry, educating the unlearned or helping save the environment, groups are coming up with ideas one would have not heard of or might not have even thought of. And these ideas become foundation of an organization.

Indeed, there is no doubt that enterprises are opting a social presence instead of just being into business. Now consider it to be a matter of fact or a fluke in the air, this method of industrialism will gradually increase in a way that 10 years down the line, it may become a standard for business. People will value the social more than mere trade and commerce. Being into market will mean a Social Enterprise being a part of the social Entrepreneur’s club.